Media Personalities
കൊല്ലം ജില്ലയിലെ മണ്ട്രോ തുരുത്തില് പരേതനായ കൊന്നയി ല് പ്രഭാകരന്റെയും രാജമ്മയുടെയും മകനായി 1952 ജനിച്ചു. ജന്മനാട്ടിലും പിടഞ്ഞാറെ കല്ലട ഗവ.ഹൈസ്കൂളിലും കൊല്ലം ശ്രീനാരായണ കോളേജിലും വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം. ഭൗതിക ശാസ്ത്രത്തി ബിരുദവും മലയാള സാഹിത്യത്തില് ബിരുദാനന്തര ബിരുദവും നേടിയശേഷം 1979 കേരളകൗമുദിയില് ചേര്ന്നു. 2007 ന്യൂസ് എഡിറ്റര് ആയിരിക്കെ കൗമുദിയില് നിനന് സ്വയം വിരമിച്ചു. വീക്ഷണം പത്രത്തി ആറരവര്ഷം പൊളിറ്റിക്കല് എഡിറ്റര് ആയി പ്രവര്ത്തിച്ചു. കേരള പ്രസ് അക്കാദമി ജനറല് കൗണ്സില് അംഗവും ഇന്സ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട ഓഫ് കമ്മ്യൂണിക്കേഷനില് 20 വര്ഷമായി അതിഥി അധ്യാപകനും ആണ്.
വിദ്യാര്ത്ഥിയായിരിക്കെ ആനുകാലിക പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണങ്ങളില് നിരവധി കാര്ട്ടൂണുകള് വരച്ചു. എസ്.എഫ്.ഐ 1975 ദേശീയാടിസ്ഥാനത്തില് നടത്തിയ കാര്ട്ടൂണ് മത്സരത്തില് ഒന്നാം സമ്മാനാര്ഹനായി. അടിയന്തരാവസ്ഥ പ്രഖ്യാപിക്കപ്പെട്ടതിനാല് ആ സമ്മാനം ഒരു പൊതുചടങ്ങില് വച്ച് സ്വീകരിക്കാന് കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. മനോരാജ്യം വാരികയില് വന്ന ‘നാണുസാറും കുട്ടികളും’, കലാകൗമുദിയിലെ ചരിത്രരേഖകള് എന്ന ‘ഉറുമ്പ്’ കാര്ട്ടൂണും അവ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച കാലത്ത് ഏറെ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കപ്പെട്ടു. പത്തുവര്ഷം കലാകൗമുദി വാരികയി രാഷ്ട്രീയ-സാമൂഹിക-പാരിസ്ഥിതിക വിഷയങ്ങളെക്കുറിച്ച് തുടര്ച്ചയായി എഴുതി.
ഗവണ്മെന്റ് കോളേജുകളില് ചരിത്രാധ്യാപികയായിരുന്ന പ്രൊഫ.എസ്.വിമലമ്മയാണ് ഭാര്യ. ലണ്ടനില് എന്ജിനീയര് ആയ മനു , ഡോ.മീര, ഡോ.സെന് എന്നിവര് മക്കള്
വിലാസം: കൃഷ്ണപ്രഭ, തൃപ്പൂണിത്തുറ-682 301
കേരളം വിലയ്ക്കുവാങ്ങിയ വിനാശങ്ങള് (പഠനങ്ങള്)
ഒരു കളക്ടറുടെ കര്മ്മകാണ്ഡം (സംയുക്ത രചന)
കോട്ടയം പുതുപ്പളളി തൃക്കോതമംഗലം സ്വദേശി. കാല് നൂറ്റാണ്ടിലേറെയായി ജന്മഭൂമിയില് . ന്യൂഡല്ഹി, തിരുവനന്തപുരം ഉള്പ്പെടെ വിവിധ സ്ഥലങ്ങളില് ബ്യൂറോ ചീഫ്. നിരവധിദേശീയ-അന്തര്ദ്ദേശീയ കായികമത്സരങ്ങളും സംഭവങ്ങളും റിപ്പോര്ട്ടു ചെയ്തു. നിയമസഭാ റിപ്പോര്ട്ടിംഗില് രണ്ടു പതിറ്റാണ്ടിലെ പരിചയം. കേസരി ട്രസ്റ്റ്, കേരള പത്രപ്രവര്ത്തക യൂണിയന് എന്നിവയുടെ വിവിധ ചുമതലകള് വഹിച്ചു. യുനിസെഫ് ഫെലോഷിപ്പ് ഉള്പ്പെടെയുളള പുരസ്കാരങ്ങള് ലഭിച്ചു. അമേരിക്ക, ശ്രീലങ്ക, യുഎഇ, മലേഷ്യ, സിംഗപ്പൂര് എന്നീ രാജ്യങ്ങള് സന്ദര്ശിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. അമേരിക്ക കാഴ്ചക്കപ്പുറം, അമേരിക്കയിലും തരംഗമായി മോദി, പി.പരമേശ്വരന് മുതല് പി.ടി.ഉഷ വരെ, മോദിയുടെ മനസ്സിലുളളത്, നരേന്ദ്രമോദിയുടെ ദിഗ്വിജയം എന്നിവയാണ് മറ്റ് പുസ്തകങ്ങള്. ഭാര്യ: അഡ്വ.എസ്.ശ്രീകല, മക്കള്: ഗായത്രി, ഗോപിക. വിലാസം: നിര്മ്മാല്യം, എന്.എന്.89, പേരൂര്ക്കട, തിരുവനന്തപുരം-695005. Mob: 9447360953.
കൊല്ലം മോഹന്
1953 ആഗസ്റ്റ് 5ന് കന്യാകുമാരി ജില്ലയിലെ മാര്ത്താണ്ഡത്ത് ജനനം. അച്ഛന് ശങ്കരനാരായണപിളള. അമ്മ ലക്ഷ്മിക്കുട്ടിയമ്മ. ഫോട്ടോഗ്രഫിയോടുളള അടങ്ങാത്ത ആവേശമാണ് കൊല്ലത്ത് എത്തിച്ചത്. ജ്യേഷ്ഠന് വേലായുധന് നായരാണ് ആദ്യ ഗുരു. പിന്നീടുളള കാലം മുഴുവനും ചെലവിട്ടത് കൊല്ലത്താണ്. അങ്ങനെയാണ് മോഹനന് നായര് കൊല്ലം മോഹന് ആകുന്നത്.
ഔദ്യോഗിക ജീവിതം ആരംഭിക്കുന്നത് കുങ്കുമം ഗ്രൂപ്പ് പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണങ്ങള്ക്കുവേണ്ടി ഫോട്ടോ എടുത്തുകൊണ്ടായിരുന്നു. വൈകാതെ ആ സ്ഥാപനത്തില് സ്ഥിരം ഫോട്ടോഗ്രാഫറായി നിയമനം. കേരളശബ്ദം, നാന, കുങ്കുമം, മഹിളാരത്നം, ജ്യോതിഷരത്നം തുടങ്ങിയ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണങ്ങള്ക്കുവേണ്ടി എണ്ണമറ്റ ഛായാചിത്രങ്ങള് പകര്ത്തി. അത് ഇന്നും തുടരുന്നു. അടൂര് ഗോപാലകൃഷ്ണന്റെ മുഖാമുഖം, മതിലുകള്, അനന്തരം എന്നീ ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ സ്റ്റില് ഫോട്ടോഗ്രാഫറായിരുന്നു. ലക്ഷ്മിപ്രിയ പ്രൊഡക്ഷന്സ് നിര്മ്മിച്ച അഞ്ച് ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ സ്റ്റില് ഫോട്ടോഗ്രാഫറആയും പ്രവര്ത്തിച്ചു. ലോഹിതദാസ് സംവിധാനം ചെയ്ത ‘സൂത്രധാര’നില് ഒരു ചെറിയ വേഷം ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട്. ദേശീയ-അന്തര്ദ്ദേശീയ തലത്തി ല് സംഘടിപ്പിക്കപ്പെട്ടിട്ടുളള ഫോട്ടോഗ്രഫി മത്സരങ്ങളില് പങ്കെടുത്ത് നിരവധി അംഗീകാരങ്ങള് സ്വന്തമാക്കി. ചെന്നൈയില് സ്വന്തമായി ഒരു ഫോട്ടോ എക്സിബിഷന് നടത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.മാക്ടയിലെ ആജീവനാന്ത അംഗമാണ്. ഫെഫ്ക ഫോട്ടോഗ്രാഫേഴ്സ് യൂണിയനിലും അംഗത്വമുണ്ട്.
ഭാര്യ: രുഗ്മിണി ദേവി, മക്കള്:രഞ്ജിനി, രഞ്ജിത്ത്,
വിലാസം: –
ലക്ഷ്മി ഭവന്
കുരീപ്പുഴ ഈസ്റ്റ്
ഫോണ് : 9447093740
Enkindling terror in the eyes of the government with their fervid and deep-seated headlines, Telegraph is considered the pinnacle of journalism in India; currently headed by R. Rajagopal as the Editor. A native of Thiruvananthapuram, R. Rajagopal’s began his journalism career with his fervent writing for a publication that went by the name ‘Venaadu’. As he began advancing his career, he worked with organizations like Business Standard, Economic Times, and more. Rajagopal joined The Telegraph in 1996 and 2016 escalated to the position of Editor. Through his years of practice, Rajagopal has passionately worked in various cities across the country like Delhi, Mumbai and more.
The Indian Express has a new Editor and this ardent leader steering the team is Unnirajan Shankar. Began his career from The Patriot in 1991 and later at India Today, Shankar has gained experience from working with the best of the best in the subcontinent. In 1996, Shankar became a part of The Indian Express, then in 2002 gained the position of Assistant Executive Editor and by 2014 took up the responsibility of Executive Editor. In 1991, UnniRajan Shankar received the Harry Brittain Fellowship from the Commonwealth Press Union. The recognitions earned by Shankar don’t stop there.
A fierce investigative journalist that tore down the red-tapism nestled into the constitution of the government by unboxing the MumbaiAdarsh Housing scam is Josy Joseph. Hailing from the district of Aleppey, Joseph has worked with Times of India, DNA, Asian Age, Midday, The Blitz and many more organizations from where he has created a niche among the journalism industry. Joseph is currently based in New Delhi and is the National Security Editor of The Hindu. Joseph’s investigative journalism help bring out the reality of travel expenditure made by those elected in power, the misconducts in the 2010 Commonwealth Wealth and many more findings elucidated the abuse of authority and responsibility held by those on their high golden chairs.
For the past three decades, N. Ashokan, an illustrious figure in Indian journalism based out of the capital city of Delhi has been working with Mathrubhumi since ’69. Joined the Kozhikode edition and later became a coordinator for Mathrubhumi’s study circle. In 1981, Ashokan reached Delhi. In the year 1984, Ashokan captured and encapsulated the Indira Gandhi assassination and the following riots in both images and pictures for Mathrubhumi. Ashokan was appointed as the Bureau Chief of Thiruvananthapuram, but later shifted to Delhi as a reporter and was appointed as the Bureau Chief of Delhi. Prominent events that changed the course of Indian and World history alike like the Gujarat Riots, Babri Masjid demolition and Ayodhya issue, 1997 Earth Summit in New York, Kargil War etc. were covered and brought to thousands of readers for Mathrubhumi by Ashokan. His poetry based on research and understanding of Indian political scene at a national level ‘Delhi Katthu’ garnered attention and appreciation from all over the world.
J. Gopikrishnan is the journalist that unfolded the 2G scam involving Telecom Minister A.G. Raja to the light. Gopikrishnan brought the story out in the front while he was the reporter at Pioneer, a Delhi based news organization. The report is a true example that manifests a culmination of the heights of professional ethics and passion for truth and journalism taken with a pinch of salt. This native of Thiruvananthapuram district entered the field of journalism unexpectedly. He started his career as a sub-broker at Kochi Stock exchange, followed by an entrepreneurial venture along with his friends. In ’95, he entered the realm of TV Journalism and passed with flying colours in journalism in ’98. He began working with Pioneer from Kochi edition and in three years reached Delhi. The same year he published the report on 2G Scam. Gopikrishnan’s notable works in journalism cover the cardinal issues that call out for help – self-invested interests of Minister A. Ramadas in shutting down pharmaceutical companies, Mumbai terrorist attacks, and sheer negligence towards injured and disabled NSG Commandos are few to name the many jewels in his crown.
The carnage and foul-play of the ruling government in the country didn’t seem to renegade the Editor of Caravan magazine, Vinod Jose. After a long break of 70 years, The Caravan set its gears and wheels into motion in 2009, with Vinod Jose heading it after being appointed by Press Club. Vinod Jose can be called the forerunner of narrative journalism in India. Born in Wayanad, Vinod K. Jose began his life as a journalist as a crime reporter at for The Indian Express. Followed, he was employed as a foreign correspondent for Pacifica Radio and later founded the Free Press, a long-form Malayalam magazine along with his friends. In the year 2008, Vinod K. Jose earned his Masters in Journalism from Columbia University and took on the responsibility of elevating Caravan from its ruins. Within four years, The Caravan took narrative journalism in India up a notch and raised the bars for other magazines. In 2011, Vinod K. Jose received the RamnathGoenka award for his reporting on government and politics.
A metonym for fearless journalism in India in this day and age would be the name – The Wire. M.K. Venu is one of the founding members of this prestigious news organization. In 2015, along with Siddharth Varadarajan, the Indian online news portal, The Wire was born. The internationally acclaimed news portal has bagged various accolades, both at national and international planes. Before the establishment of The Wire, Venu has held positions of authority as Executive Editor at The Hindu and as the Managing Director at Financial Express. As a veteran in the journalism industry, Venu has garnered the experience for over thirty years and has worked years with The Hindustan Times and Economic Times. His articles on Indian economic, fiscal and claim in global trade have caught the eye of the masses.
Analyzing varied developmental issues and deterrents in the Indian political arena by building stirring stories and reports – The Frontline magazine is the connoisseur in political reporting in India. Venkitesh Ramakrishnan is the Bureau Chief of Delhi, leading the Frontline to excellence. An expert in print, broadcast, electronic mediums of reporting, Ramakrishnan is a veteran journalist owing to 35 years of experience in the field of Journalism. The Ayodhya quandary, the influence of Mandal Commission’s proposals, militancy in Punjab and Kashmir are some of the major political conundrums covered by Ramakrishnan. Over the past 25years, his expertise in research and analysis of the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, as well as the socio-political arena in the country, has amassed spectators.
The art of storytelling through pictures by adopting the lens of a camera as a peephole into the depths of our society, Shaju John is The Hindu’s Deputy Photo Editor and one of the exemplary photojournalists in the country. John built a photofeature displaying on the alienation of AIDS and HIV+ patients across 6 states in India. During the floods in Kerala and Chennai, with the help of his camera, he set out to capture the effects of human life and developmental activities on nature. Subsequently, he created a documentary demonstrating the catastrophe that hits humanity due to unsustainable ways of living. In the name of development, the loss of ecosystems, in turn, ends up affecting the territories of comfort we’ve created at the cost of millions of living beings.
A picture is worth a thousand words and without doubt, the images have a much deep-rooted effect on the spectator. The first woman photojournalist in the country – Saraswati Chakravarty was no less than an impeccable photographer, and most importantly a journalist headstrong in her game. By covering the ASIAD Games of 1982 for Mathrubhumi News, Chakravarty set foot into the field as a photojournalist based in Delhi. In the four long decades of her life as a photojournalist, she has captured the first female Prime Minister of the country, Indira Gandhi to Dr Manmohan Singh on her reel. Controversial and politically charged issues like the infamous Ayodhya imbroglio were captured by Chakravarty. In a field and a society dominated by men and patriarchal norms, Saraswati Chakravarty’s life emboldens women to take more chances.

Joshila is a working journalist with Kairali.T.V. She is a Padannakkara native in Kannur district, born in 1981 April 9.
Educational qualification: MA,P.G.Diploma in Journalism. She is experienced for 12 years in field. . Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21.
Contact No: 9495696569

Sub-editor in Malayalam Manorama daily. He is Alavil Native in Kannur district, Kannur district, Kerala. Born in 1992 January 10. Educational Qualification: MCJ. He is 6 years experience with the field. . Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Contact No:

Deputy Editor in Mathrubhumi News T V.Born in 1970 May 31st.Educational Qualififcation-MCJ. 25 years expeirence with the journalism field. He has conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. To contact-8606979847,

Cheroor native in Trissur District. Born in 1967 April 18th. Educational Qualification: Post Graduate and Diploma in Journalism. Now working as Chief Sub-Editor in Deshabhimani Daily. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Phone No: 9446449778

Native place-Vakathanam in Kottayam District.
Date of birth – 1982 May 20th
Educational Qualification: MA,MPhil,PG Diploma in Journalism. Now with Mangalam Daily as senior Sub-editor.
He has conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Contact No: 9847998894 Email:

Native of Kothamangalam in Ernakulam District. Born in 1987 December 1st. Having Degree with PG. Diploma in journalism. Working as the Senior sub-Editor Malayalam Manorama Daily. Also having 14 years of experience in the field. He has been published more than 10 books and translated two books into Malayalam. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Ph.No: 9447487023. Email:

Native of Painkannur in Malappuram District. Born in July 26th.Educational Qualification-Degree with Journalism Diploma.Having 12 years experience in the field. Now with Madhyamam Daily as sub-editor. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Phone: No: 9846338407

Native of Vattiyoorkkavu in Thiruvananthapuram District. Born in 1959 March 2nd. Educational qualification: BSc, BJ (Bachelor of Journalism. Rtd from Malayala Manoram as Asst. Editor. History of Time, Rule in Kerala Politics, a remarkable contribution to the Kerala Political literature since 1957 onwards 2021 has been published. He have 38 years in the journalistic field. He has been experience on “Indian drugs Regulation, Law’’ in the university of Stanford during 1992-93. He has won many awards including Kerala Sahitya Academy Award and Manavamithra Award. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. To contact: 9447385318

Native of Aluva in Ernakulam District. Born in 1986 March 22nd. PG Diploma in Journalism. Now she is associated with RAMP&COMB Magazine as sub-editor. She has conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mob No: 9747017033.Email:

Native of Nellikkodu in Kozhokode District. Born in 1978 May 30th. Educational Qualification: Degree with PG Diploma in Journalism. Working as sub-editor in Mathrubhumi Daily. Having experience of 10 years and conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mob: No:

Native of Parappanangadi in Malappuram District. Born in 1987 August 29th. Educational qualification: MCJ (Master of Communication and Journalism) working as sub-editor Mathrubhumi.Have ten years experience in the field. Got the fellowship from National Foundation for Indian Media and conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. To Contact:

Born in 1989 February 5th. Native of Edakochi in Ernakulam District. Educational Qualification: PG Diploma in Journalism. Got the Reach Media Fellowship in Couple of times. Having Eight Years Experience in the field of Journalism and conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21.Now working as Sub-Editor in Kerala Kaumudi Daily. Mob: 9995163941

Native of Cherpu in Thrissur District. Born in 1974 May 5th. Educational Qualification B.A( History), M.A.(Malayalam). P.G.Diploma in Journalism. Having 20 years experience in Audio-Visual Media.Now in He has conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. To

Eranjoly Native in the kannur District. Born 1971 May 29th. Educational Qualification P.G 20 years experience in the field. He started his career with Madhyamam Daily. Later, worked in Kairali TV, Indiavision, etc. Now, Freelance Journalist. He hasconferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Email:

Native of Changanassery in Kottayam District. Born in 1988 august 19th. Educational Qualification:BA, PG Diploma in Television Journalsm.Now, Boradcast Journalist in Asianet News. Having ten years experience in the television journalism. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mobile

Native of Chembrassery in mAlappuram District. Born in 1990 March 8th. Qualification-MCJ (Master of Mass Communication and Journalism). Currently with Madhyamam Daily as Sub-Editor 8 years of experience in the filed. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mobile

Native of Thodupuzha in Idukki District. Born in 1974 May 12th. Educational Qualification: BA,PG Diploma in Journalism. Currently, Bureauchief in Chandrika Daily.Having 12 years in the field. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. contact: 94477522340,

Native of Kayaralam in Kannur District born in 1972 May 27th. Educational Qualification:B.A, P.G.Diploma in Journalism. Currently, Bureauchief in Deshabhimani Daily.Having 24 years experience in the Journalistic field. He has got many recognitions including Surasu Memorial conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21.Mob-9447051972, email:

Native of Mylom in Kollam District. Born in 1986 June 15th.Educational qualification BA,PG Diploma in journalism. Currently the Asiisatant Editor in Malayalam Weekly. Having twelve years of experience in the field. Also conferred with Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mobile-9495328703, email:

Native of Kakkodi in Kozhikode District. Born in 1970 June 22nd.Educational Qualification-MA, PG Diploma in Journalism. Currently, Senior News Librarian, Madhyamam Daily. Having 22 years experience in the field. Also conferred with Media Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mobile:9446782804, Email:

Native of Parikkulam in Kozhikode District. Born in 1974 April 4th. Educational Qualification-Degree with PG. Diploma in Journalism. Currently, working as chief sub-editor in Supraphadam Daily. Having 20 years of experience in the field. Also conferred with Media Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21. Mobile:

Native of Chittoor in Palakkad District. Born in 1977 May 20th. Educational Qualification: PG Diploma in Journalism. Now, reporter in Deepika Daily. Having 17 years of experience in the field. Also conferred with Media Kerala Media Academy Fellowship 2020-21.
Media Personalities (Abroad)
Alex Abraham
Alex Abraham is the News Editor of Gulf News, a leading newspaper in the UAE established in 1979. Gulf News is the first newspaper in the region to promote arts, culture, music, and sports through sponsorship of events.
Alex hails from Ayiroor of Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. He is the son of P A Abraham, who has worked as Personal Administrator, and Annamma Abraham, a teacher, of Perumpoikayil House. He obtained his Master of Arts (Political Science) and then joined The Telegraph, Kolkata as senior sub-editor where he worked from 1994-1997. Then he joined Gulf News. He is also a public speaker and has won numerous awards for debate and elocution both in India and the UAE.
Contact Details:
Wasi New Housing, Muhaisnah 4, Dubai-UAE.
Phone: +97104-4067551 (0ffice) 2345283 (Resi)
Elvis Chummar
Elvis Chummar is a senior journalist with over 17 years of experience in broadsheet newspapers and broadcast media in India and the Gulf region. He was the President of Indian Media Forum (IMF) UAE, the first media fraternity for expatriate Indian journalists outside the country and Founder of `Kerala Union of Working Journalists’ (KUWJ) Middle East Unit.
Stationed in Dubai, Chummar is currently Editorial Head of the leading South Indian Television Channel JAIHIND TV, and heads its Middle East operations. Earlier, he worked with Malayala Manorama and other media houses in Dubai and India. He is now one of the senior visual media journalists working in the Gulf region. For Kerala based Malayalam television channels. Mr.chummar extensively covers news stories, happenings and events pertaining to the Non-Resident Indian Community in the region. He has reported numerous international conferences and Arab Summits held in more than 17 foreign countries.
He is also the producer and presenter of JAIHIND TV’s `Middle East this Week’ the most popular weekly news round-up show in Malayalam from the region. Chummar launched the news round-up program in 2008 and has been telecasting it successfully for the past 11 years continuously with `First Gulf Record TV Show’. The program achieved a milestone of 600 episodes from Middle East, the first record that no other language TV journalists could achieve.
Chummar is among the most influential Keralite journalists in the Gulf with a strong presence in the social media sphere.
He has been recognized with more than15 awards and accolades for this `Middle East this Week’ program alone. He also has won a number of awards including the best TV journalist, the best investigative reporter and the best TV Presenter, the best Gulf TV Show Awards constituted by different organizations. He also has been honored with special awards from several government authorities and departments in the UAE.
Chummar is hailing from Trissur district of Kerala. He is married to Deepa and has two children- Edric Chummar Elvis and Edwin Chummar Elvis.
Contact Details:
Building No 2 (CNN Building),P O Box 96744,Dubai,UAE
MCA Nazer
M C A Nazer is the head of the Middle East Editorial Operations of Media One, a Malayalam television news channel. He has been in the media field for more than 25 years and has worked as a reporter at the Delhi, Bahrain and Dubai bureaus of Madhyamam daily. His coverage of the 2003 Iraq War has won much appreciation and awards including those from Jeddah Ages, Doha Sahrudaya Vedi, Dubai Chiranthana and Millath Foundation.
The Programme titled Weekend Arabia, hosted by MCA Nazer on Media One Channel, is one of the favourite programmes of the viewers and it has received award for the best programme related to social issues broadcast from the Gulf region. Shifa Al Jazeera Award is another honour bestowed on him recently.
A native of Kunnamangalam in Kozhikode district, Nazer completed his highe education at Farooq College, Kozhikode and Aligarh Muslim University. While at Farooq College, he served as the magazine editor in the year 1988 and the college magazine for the best college magazine in Calicut University.
Nazer is the son of the late M C Aboobacker and Kunjeebi.
P P Sasindran
P P Sasindran, an eminent journalist, is the special representative and bureau chief of Mathrubhumi, Dubai, and also the editorial head of GCC operations.
Sasindran was born in Mahe as the son of the late Sankarankutty Nambiar and P P Karthiyayani Amma. After studying BSc at Mahatma Gandhi Government Arts College Mahe, he earned a degree in journalism From Calicut University. He joined Mathrubhumi in 1984 and later, in 1986, he was posted as a staff reporter at the Kannur bureau of the newspaper. He continued to work there in different positions till March 2013. During this period , he specialized in politics and sports, reporting various events and issues related to these fields. Sasindran had the opportunity cover World Cup Football Qualifying Matches held in Doha in 1996, FIFA Football World Cup in Germany in 2006 and many other major sports events including National Games, Federation Cup Football, National Football League and Champions Hockey League.
As part of a cultural exchange programme, he attended the Hermann Hesse Festival at Germany, in 2002. Sasindran has also attended four CPI(M) Party congresses held in Hyderabad, New Delhi, Coimbatore and Kozhikode.
He had been actively associate with all the social and cultural activities in Kannur for around 25 years. He has held the position of the president of Kannur Press Club for six terms and was also the state president of Kannur Union of Working Journalists (2009-11). During the tenure of 2009-2012, Sasindran has served as the vice chairman of Kerala Press Academy. He had also been a member of Kerala Chalachitra Academy. Besides, he has served as the state committee member of Kerala Working Journalists Union for more than 15 years.
Sasindran has won many awards including IMA Award, Chiranthana Samskarika Vedi Award and vocational excellence awards instituted by Lions, Junior Chamber, Wisemen, Chinmaya Mission, Bankers’ Club and Chamber of Commerce.
A versatile writer, Sasindran is the author of three books-German Notes, a travelogue published by Kairali books in 2010, Kolathu Nattiloode (2013, Alpha Publishers) and Eenthappanachottil (2014, Mathrubhumu Books).
Contact details:
Bureau Chief
Mathrubhumi, 302, Zee Tower, Media City.
Over thirty years of endeavour spent in the field of media and communications, Soman Baby is currently serving as the Chairman of VERITAS Public Relations as well as the Director of Talia Global Solutions (TGS), based in Bahrain. Hailing from Karthikapally in Alappuzha District, Baby has earned the worldliness and knowledge of working tirelessly in the Middle East. He was formerly the Chief Editor of an English daily based in Bahrain called – Daily Tribune (now known as Bahrain Tribune).Baby has contributed much to the Indian community living in Bahrain by laying the foundations of the Bahrain Indian Society as well as one of the directors of New Horizon School. The multifarious roles and responsibilities carried out by him for the wellbeing of the society go beyond the reaches of his work and commitment. The philanthropic works and contribution to the close-knit Malayalee community done by Baby while he was serving as the Global Chairman of World Malayalee Council (WMC) from the year 2008 to 2012. One of his notable works as a member of WMC was the initiative by the name ‘Net Working’ established to bond Keralites across the world to train college students across Kerala. The motive behind the initiative was to build future leaders of the world with a sense of social commitment from the Keralite society. Soman Baby is a recipient of theprestigious Bharatiya Samman for the year 2009 and the list of accolades that followed Baby doesn’t stop there.
A pioneer in newspaper journalism in the Middle East for the past 33 years, Issac John is one of the venerated and renowned journalists in the region. Beyond the practice as a cardinal journalist, his notable contributions and services in the field of social, humanitarian, art and culture, literature and history, astrology as well as economic and business. Numerous breaking news stories in both print and visual media, as well as interactions with various delegates and diplomats, gave Issac John the access to foster economic, social and cultural ties between Middle Eastern countries and India. Issac John Pattaniparambil plays a pivotal role in bridging the Malayalee community in the Middle East to the local communities in these countries as well as in Kerala by heading the World Malayalee Council (WMC) as a chairman.
E.M. Ashraf set his journalism career into motion with his position of authority as the Chief of Bureau in Kannur for the renowned newspaper Kerala Kaumudy. With a blazing passion for writing, Ashraf has set a benchmark in print and visual media through his work as the Chief of Kairali TV for the Middle East Region. The life experiences of prodigies of Malayalam literature – Vaikom Muhammad Basheer and SukumaranAzhikode written by E.M. Ashraf gained popularity and praises. Ashraf’s interview with deceased Indian painter M.F. Hussain was initially published in Malayalam, but later translated into Arabic and English and published internationally. His prolific writing and eloquent language equipped him to contribute to more than just news.
Proficiency and excellence in newspaper journalism are what defines the Bureau Chief of Mathrubhumi for West Asian region, P.P. Saseendran. Pieces of literature in the form of poetry, ‘Gulf Katthu’ and a book by the name ‘Eenthapannachottil’ depict the hardships and experiences of living in a foreign country garnered a lot of attention. P.P. Saseendran served as the President of All Kerala Journalists Union while working in the Kannur edition for Mathrubhumi newspaper. In 2018, Saseendran won UAE Exchange’sChirantana award for exemplary journalism in Print category.
A familiar and a recognized personality in Middle East media fraternity is K.M. Abbas. Striving in the field of journalism for the past few decades, his love for poetry and notable donations to the world of Malayalam literature matches his drive for journalism. Vyakthi, Manaldesham, Shamal, Dubai Sketches, Barhayilekulla Bus are few to name among the feathers in his hat.
One of the prominent journalists heading the Kuwait Region of the widely circulated Malayalam newspaper, Malayala Manorama is A.M. Hassan. Hassan kicked off his journalism career by writing for Chandrika’s Thiruvananthapuram edition. In 1979, he was appointed as the Regional Reporter for Chandrika’s Payyanur edition. Later in 1983, Hassan was appointed as the reporter for Kozhikode edition. In 1985, he found the opportunity to work with Kozhikode edition of Malayala Manorama as a reporter, but returned to Chandrika and was appointed as the sub-editor the very year. In 1989, he took charge in Chandrika’s Thiruvananthapuram bureau. Hassan was appointed as the Editor-in-charge of Kozhikode edition for the same newspaper. From October of 1997 to 2004, he was appointed as sub-editor at Kuwait Times, a Malayalam daily operating in Kuwait. From 2005, Hassan has been a journalist for Malayala Manorama in Kuwait. In 1991, Hassan was awarded C.H. Mohammed Koya award for exemplary journalism at KMCC, Coimbatore.
A pioneer in unprecedented journalism in the US and heading the Indian Press Club of North America as the President, Dr George M. Kakkanatt is a leader in fields of journalism and social welfare around North America. He is the editor-in-chief of the online news feed ‘Azhchavattom’ as well as one of the founding members of the America Association of Social Workers (AASW). He was recently voted in as the Secretary of Association of International Researchers’ of Indian Origin. Dr George M. Kakkanatt’s multitudinous roles are not restricted to journalism or social welfare. Kakkanatt served in US Air Force as a captain and currently is working as a psychotherapist in Houston, Texas. The outcomes of his awards are highly rewarding and have come in search of Kakkanatt in the form of GarshomInfomediaPravasiratna Award as well as Kerala Center Award for his exceptional work in humanitarian, societal and journalistic spheres.
Commenced his career with Malayalee’s most loved channel, Asianet among Malayalee American audience and became the most distinguished Malayalam journalist among Indian expatriates and their issues is the General Secretary of Indian Press Club of North America – Sunil Tristar.
Fazlu, a native of Areekode in Malappuram District, is a senior journalist/senior news presenter at Hit 96.7 FM. Earlier he has worked as a reporter with India vision. He completed his schooling at LP School, Pathanapuram, AMUP school Therattammal, and SSHS Moorkanad. His higher education was at MES College Mampad and C-DIT, Trivandrum.
Fazlu was born as the son of Muhammad Ali and Fathima. His wife Shemi is a novelist, author of the critically acclaimed work, Nadavazhiyile Nerukal. The couple has two children- Isha and Iva.
Contact Details:
ARN,PO Box 502012, Media City, CNN Building Dubai
Ibrahim Elettil
Ibrahim Elettil is the General Manager of Chandrika Malayalam Daily. Earlier he has worked in Ajman Hospital and Dubail Hospital. Chandrika Middle East is having branches in Dubai, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Ibrahim Elettil is the president of KMCC and general secretary of CH Md.Koya Charitable Trust UAE Committee Dubai. He also the patron of Koduvally Pravasi Association.
Born in Cholayil House, Koduvally, Kozhikode, Ibrahim Elettil is married to Fathima.
Contact Details:
Middle East Chandrika Malayalam Daily
PO Box:50066
Phone: 042238900
Jaleel Pattambi
Born to Kammukutty and Khadeeja of Azhakan Kandathil House, Jaleel is the Resident Editor of Middle East Chandrika. A Post Graduate in Journalism from Mahatma Gandhi University, he is the native of Pattambi town located in the Palakkad district of Kerala. He began his career with training in The Hindu newspaper and later worked at various levels of the journalism field, starting from reporter, chief sub editor, news editor and editor in charge in Madhyamam.
For the past 10 years, he has been actively associated with Chandrika and is positioned as the Resident Editor of the same. Writing being a passion, he has penned several literary works that have been published in various periodicals. ‘Vakku’, his collection of poetry, was published by Pappion Publications, Kozhikode. An ex-member of the Dubai Press Club, he is the current general secretary, joint secretary and an executive member of Indian Media Forum. Jaleel’s book has also received national Media Council Accreditation.
With such fine and commendable works in the field of Journalism and literature, Jaleel has been facilitated with many wards including V C Abubakker Memorial Award, Chirandana Samskarika Vedi Award, Kairali Kala Kendran Kavitha Award, Kerala Sahridaya Mandalam Journalist Award, Green Voice Media Award and Kanal Samskarika Vedi Award.
Conact Details:P.O.Box:50066, Dubai,UAE
T P Gangadharan
T P Gangadharan is the correspondent of Mathrubhumi. Hailing from Thekkinapuriyil House at Thaliparamba, T P Gangadharan has a Diploma in Wood Technology.
He is married to Meera Gangadharan, who is working in Kerala Govt. Services. They have two children- T P Krishnaprasad and T P Harikrishna.
Contact Details:
Phone (office): 6744053
K M Abbas
The Editor in-charge of Siraj newspaper, K M Abbas is also a zealous writer and author. He has been popularly acclaimed for his short stories, especially for the topics that he choose to write about. Some of his important works are `Vanibham’ –collection of short stories, Ottakam, Moonnamathe Nagaram etc.
He had been a part of the Kairali Channel’s Middle East division and has worked as a correspondent. He had also been associated with the marketing section of Gulf Today. Moreover, he has served as the General secretary of the Indian media Forum, Dubai.
A native of Arikady village in Kasaragod district of Kerala, Abbas belongs to Amna house. He is the son of Abdulla and Fathima
K T Abdurabb
K T Abdurabb, hailing from Chendamangaloor in Calicut district, is one of the most prominent mediapersons in the UAE. Currently working as the meida relations manager at Hamriyah Free Zone and Saif Zone, Abdurabb has earlier worked in major dailies including Khaleej Times and Gulf Today. Also a talented photographer, his photographs have been featured with great importance in prominent publications.
Abdurabb was born as the son of KIC Rahim, a retired teacher, and Iyathumma. He completed BA in English Literature at St Joseph’s College Devagiri, Calicut, following which he wenton pursue a diploma course in journalism in Mysore University. He has also earned an MCJ degree from Madurai Kamaraj University and a postgraduate diploma in Marketing Management from KSO University.
Abdurabb came to Dubai in 1990 and joined Khaleej Times daily as editorial assistant. In 1992, he launched the first Indian language radio programme from Ras Al Khaimah Broadcasting Station, in collaboration with the government of Ras Al Khaima, which turned out to be a huge success. Abdurabb joined Gulf Today as a senior reporter in 1997 and worked there for two years. Then he became the Managing Editor and Bureau Chief of Malayalam News, the first Malayalam newspaper from the Gulf Region, based in Dubai Media City.
Six years later, Abdurabb joined the SRMG (Saudi Research and Marketing Group, Dubai Office) as Media Relations and business development executive. His responsibilities included marketing and media relation activities including printing, branding and publishing of Ashraq Al Awsat Arabic Daily, Al Iqtsadia Arabic Daily and Arab News English daily from Dubai Media City. In 2006, he became the UAE editor of Arab News English Daily. He took up his current position as the Media Relations Manager of Hamriyah Free Zone & Saif Zone in 2014.
Abdurabb has extensively written articles, reports and features in Khaleej Times, Gulf Today, Arab News, Bahrain Tribune, The New Indian Express and Malayalam dailies including Mathrubhumi, Manorama and Malayalam News. He is also running a website,, to update the region’s general activities.
In recognition of this contribution towards journalism in the UAE, Abdurabb won the DSF Journalism (Regional) Award in 2014 from the Dubai Government (DTCM). He has visited a number of foreign countries including France, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia and different parts of India as part of his journalistic assignments.
Contact details:
P O Box 1377, Sharjah,UAE.
Sheela Paul
Sheeba Paul, a Masters degree holder in Economics, is specialized in Journalism and is the Chief Editor of Malayalanadu Newspaper, Patron of Palm Publications and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Citifortune International Marketing, Dubai. She was educated at Kerala and North India and apart from PG Degree, she has done Diplomas in Journalism, Home Science, Interior Decoration and Cosmetology.
She is a talented artist and a prolific writer who is well known in the literary and social circle in the UAE. She started showing her literary talents at the age of 13 and has won several awards and accolades for recitation, music, dance, acting, speech and essay competitions at the school and college level.
Hailing from Maramon in Pathanamthitta District, Sheela Paul belings to Kulathakkal Pazhampallil family and was born to the late P C Kurian, who was an auditor at Control Defence Accounts, Pune, and late Dr.Susan Kurian.
Sheela Paul is also the recipient of several awards instituted by various Malayali organizations including dubai Sahrudaya-Padiyath Award(2009), Indian Progressive Front-Literary Ward (2009) etc.
She has to her credit a number of books published, such as anthologies of poems, children’s literature and a travelogue. A number of poems have been published in various lading dailies and magazines published from Dubai & Kerala like The Gulf Today, Mathrubhumi Weekly, Manorama Weekly etc. Sheela Paul is a social worker too.
Contact details:
P O Box:80231, Dubai, UAE.
Phone: _971 4 257 8484
Fax:+971 4 2578351
Sujith Sundaresan
Sujith Sundaresan was born at Kayamkulam in Alappuzha district. Sujith began his journalism career in 2005 joining NTV, Thiruvananthapuram where he rolled camera for current affairs programmes like Sakshi,Aniyara which received public applause for its social cause. Besides he has worked for over 50 programmes in various channels such as Asianet, Surya TV, Indiavision, Kairali, People TV, Jeevan TV and Doordarshan. Rolling his camera for documentaries for Kerala Government deserves a special mention.
In 2009, he moved to the UAE and began his middle East career in UAE’s first regional Malayalam Channel-NTV. After three years, in 2012, he joined Prochannel media and worked for many popular Indian channels like Jaihind TV, Imagine Movies etc. While working in Prochannel, KMCC Dubai honoured him with KMCC Dubai Media Award in 2013.
At Present, Sujith is working in Asianet News, leading Malayalam Channel, a journey since December 2015. During this short period, he grabbed many awards. In 2016 he achieved Chiranthana Media Award for social commitment. Sujith was awarded Kerala State Television Award in 2018. He is the first NRI journalist who has won Kerala State Television Award. He portrayed the tragic plight of a Keralite Family-Madusudhanan , his wife and his five daughters who were confined in a small room in Sharjah for 27 years.
Sindhu Mohan
A master’s degree holder in Communication and Journalism from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Sindhu Mohan is the Manager, Production/Client Relations, with Inframe Productions, UAE. A seasoned television professional with 15 years of experience in various areas of programme production for commercial satellite television, she was also one of the faculty members at the Trivandrum Press Club, where she used to teach the students of Print/Electronic Journalism. Sindhu is an expert in directing and coordinating programme production and scheduling operations.
Other than donning the hat of production manager with Inframe Productions, Sidhu has worked as an Associate Director with D Cutz Film’s for the latest release, directed by Vinod Vijayan. In the year 2011 she joined Mazhavil Manorama GEC, a part of Malayala Manorama Television (MMTV) as the senior producer.
With them she was extensively handling creative programs ranging from host and studio-based shows to reality shows and mega events. In addition, she was also responsible for conceiving, directing and content coordination of prime time in-house content for the channel, until 2013.
Sindhu’s association with Sun Network Pvt.Ltds’s Surya TV lasted for 15 years, as the assistant Manager, Programmes. Important productions she was part of include Zoom in, Cinema Cinema, Ningalude Choice, Star Talk, Kanaka Chilanka, Cookery Shows,Kit Kat Dance, Priyam Priyatharam.
Contact details:E-mail:
Philip Shane
Philip Shane, a native of Cochin, is a writer specialized in motoring journalism. A member of the Guild of Motoring Writers, UK, Philip currently writes for and Funnel Media. He also used to write for the Friday Magazine of the Gulf News about the motoring sector.
Philip has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, master’s degree in international business and PG Diploma in Contraction Law and Arbitration. Earlier, he has worked as a project manager of Lamp ell Energy and as contracts engineer at Single Buoy Mooring. At present he is a senior contracts engineer at Dragon Oil.
Philip, a native of Cochin, is the son of Regie Philip, finance professional and Mariamma Philip. Philip is a member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK. During free time, he loves to enjoy music and motoring.
Contact details:
P O Box:62201, Dubai
Ismail Meladi
Ismail Meladi was born in Payyoli in Kozhikode district. He has an MA in Arabic and BA in Mass Communications from Calicut University Journalism Department.
Ismail started his journalism career as the first Delhi Reporter of Madhyamam Daily in the beginning of 1997. In 1989, he joined Mangalam Daily as its first Delhi Bureau Chief, where he continued until 1997, when he left for the UAE to join the Gulf Today Daily in Sharjah as a senior Reporter/Chief Sub Sub-Editor.
He joined Dubai Muncipality’s Media Section as senior Media Officer in 2002 and continued there until 2011.
After a brief stint of five years as Media Relations Officer with Ragas Company Limited, Qatar, Ismail returned to his old place, Dubai Municipality Media Section in August 2016 and looks after the Media Relations since then as the chief of English Media.
While in Delhi Ismail has been a columnist for many publications in English including Onlooker Magazine, Delhi Mid Day, Hindustan Times Evening News etc. He used to contribute articles to publications from Kerala like Vanitha.
Ismail is also a writer and has been publishing poems since 1986. He published books in Malayalam include ` Dilli’ (Delhi) and ‘Chintheritta Kaalam’ (Chiseled Times). He has translated many poems from Malayalam to English and and stories from English to Malayalam. Ismail became the first Indian to present his poems in Arabic at the Emirates Writers’ Union, UAE. His poems were translated to English , Arabic, Hindi and Persian. Ismail also credited with translating prominent UAE Arab poets Shihag Ghanem, Ibrahim Al HAshimi, Ibrahim Mohammed In=btahim, Saliha Ghabish and Hamda Al Muri Al Muheiry.
He was also worked as director, script writer, narrator and presentor for many TV programs in Malayalam ,English and Hindi since 1988.
He has received many laurels including the Arabia Aksharasree Award for literary achivements, Sahrudaya Padiyath Award, UAE Exchange Chiranthana Literary Award etc.
Manu Rahman (M A Abdurahiman)
Manu Rahman, an accomplished journalist, is the chief reporter of Siraj News Daily, Dubai. He has written many reports and features that attracted public attention to many burning social issues. Manu Rahman entered the journalism field as a freelance journalist, working for Malayalam dailies such as Mathrubhumi, Madhyamam, Malayalam Manorama and periodicals including Grihalakshmi, Aaramam and Pookavanam. Then he worked as a special correspondent with City Magazine and later as a senior reporter with Thejas Daily.He has been working as a chief reporter of Siraj news Daily in Dubai since February 2012.
Manu Raman has a number of investigative reports to His Credit, Published in Siraj And Thejas dailies, including those on the blade mafia in the gulf and on illegal diesel trade. His features on slow food movement, red food and the need to recover traditional food habits have won much appreciation. His interviews with Berlin Kunhananthan Nair, butterfly watcher Dr Abdulla Paleri, Minister G Sudhakaran and the wife of C H Muhammad Koya has also caught the attention of many readers. His other notable features include those written on Kuttichira, the lone Parsy Family staying in Calicut, khalasis and about Oodh and its athar. Another remarkable feature was the struggle of Enu Haji, a native of Kondotty who had been in Pakistan at the time of partition, to get an Indian passport.
Manu Rahman has also written four books-Kashmir: Ekantha Sanchariyude Kurippukal (travelogue), Swapnagathayiye Chitrashalabhangal (novel), Markkan Vayya ( a collection of memoirs), and Kadal Kadannavar ( a collection of memoirs).
Besides, the audio versions of short stories written by Manu Rahman have been broadcast by All India Radio.
Manu Rahman, a native of Kozhikode, is the son of Abdulla Koya and Asiya of Musaliyarakam House. He has a bachelor’s Degree in History from Calicut University, P G Diploma in Journalism from Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan, Mumbai and MA History from Madurai Kamaraj University.
P K Jafna is his wife and they have three sons-Adhil Abdulla, Shan and Arsh.
Contact Details:
Chief Reporter, Siraj News Daily, Dubai. Email:
Shabu Kilithattil
A sports enthusiast, Shabu pursued Journalism from the Institute of Journalism, Press Club Trivandrum. One of the Prominent members of We Care Foundation, Shabu is the Head of News at Arabian Radion Netwok. Writing being his specialized field, he has in his name four books –`Yadartha Pavakalikkar’, `Special News’, Nilachoru and Sarga Srishtiyile Rasavidyakal.
Born to the late Muralidharan Nair and Saraswathy Amma , Retd Govt. Employee, Shabu is a native of Chirayinkeezhu Village located in Trivandum district. During the initial phase of his career he has worked for the likes od Doordarshan where he donned the position of a producer of shastrakouthukam. He was also associated with Mathrubhumi as areporter and has directed a documentary named `Ranga Prabhath’.
Shabu has been fecilitated with many awards during his career for extraordinary work he had and he has been doing in the field of writing. Some of them are: Kerala State Film Award for best story, parappurath Award for best short story, N M Biyooth Media Award, Asia vision Award and Pravasi book Trust Award.
Contact details:
P O Box:502012, Dubai,UAE
Phone: +971 04 391 2000
Fax: +971 04 391 2007
Mahesh, hailing from Chirakkal in Kannur district, is a news reader-cum-sub editor at Radio Asia 1269 AM. Ealier he has worked as an announcer at Kannur Akashvani, as a chief producer at Asianet Studio, Trivandrum, as a news reader at asianet news channel and as a news coordinator at Manorama TV.
Mahesh has received Somatheeram Award for the best news reader and the Film Critics Award for the Best Voice Over Jeevitham. He has worked as a programme associate producer for `Nammal Thammil’ and has directed radio dramas for Asianet Radio. He has also given voice-over for around 300 doccumentaries.
Mahesh was born as the son of Bhaskaran and Kamalakshi. His school education was at Azhikode High School, Chirakkal Rajas High School and Koodali High School. He pursued higher education at a private college and a course in Journalism in IGNOU.
Contact details:
Radio Asia,
P O Box 4300,Dolphin Recording Studio,Near Manar Mall, Al Nakheel,RAK,
Anoop Keechery
Anoop Keechery, hailing from keechery in Kannur district of Kerala, is a news reader at Radio Asia. Anoop, belonging to Kunnummel House, was born as the son of Kunjanandan, a retired government employee, and Padmini. He completed his studies at Kallessery KPR GHS and Kannur University. He studied Journalism at Bhavan’s, Calicut.
Anoop has worked as a news reporter and news reader in Asianet, Indiavision, Kairali and a few local TV Channels. Also a talented actor, Anoop has acted in a number of dramas during his school, college days and amateur plays. Besides, he is a writer too, whose articles and poems have been published in various periodicals.
He has received a number of awards including the Film Chambers Award for best Narration for the documentary Maranathinte Pathayil (2010) and the Best News Reader Award in the UAE for 2014-15. He has also hosted many news related shows.
Contact Details:
Radio Asia, P O Box 4300,Dolphin Recording Studio,
Near Manar Mall, Al Nakheel, RAK,
Arfaz, a native of Fort Kochi in Ernakulam district of Kerala, is a senior presenter at Hit 96.7 FM. He hosts the popular programs ‘Breakfast Show’ and `Get Set Go’.
Arfaz was born as the son of Muhammed Iqbal, a production manager, and Seema. His schooling was at St. Hohn De Britto Boys High school. His higher education was at Cochin College and Chinmaya Vidyapeeth. He has also pursued MBA privately.Contact Detals:ARN, P O Box 502012, Media City, CNN Building, Dubai.Phone: 04 3613375 (off)
Benny P Thoma
Benny P Thomas is the Media Director of Amber Communications. He worked in an agency, Fortune Promo-7, for one year and sky Ad for four years.
Amber Communications is an independent communications group headquartered in Dubai Media City, Dubai, the UAE. They are one of the fastest growing and the biggest independent communications group. Amber is possibly the only independent communications agency to handle sis global brands with operations in 25 countries.
Ambercomm is the `brand’ that brings together all the disciplines under one umbrella.
Benny P Thomas is the General Secrerary of FEKCA and a member of St.Mermes Church.
Contact Details:
P.O.Box: 502161, Sharjah, UAE,Phone: +971 43902812
Mini Sarma
With vast experience in the media and entertainment industry for more than 25 years, Mini Sarma has developed strategies and handled production for various institutions and projects. She currently heads 7media, a media and event management company based in Dubai, as its producer and General Manager. 7media has a strong base in Middle East, India, and Asia Pacific and covers requirements across film, digital content and event production, and management.
Mini started her career as a director/producer for Sun Network, a major television group in India, and grew in the organization to head one of their local language television stations. Mini’s next challenge took her to Malaysia where she joined Nat-Seven Television of the Emcorp Cgroup, working as VP (production), she produced a few local films. One of them, Puteri Gunung Ledang, was Malaysia’s official entry to the Academy Awards premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2014. Mini Sarma successfully produced a lot of reality shows including `Who wants to be a millionaire’ and many other live projects for NTV7. Mini later became the head of the Film Production Service Division for MENA region of the EFX Magic Global (Prasad Group).
At 7media, Mini handles management, production and business development. As a line producer for film makers from Europe,USA, India and Far East, she has worked with eminent directors and production companies. She has worked as the line producer for the films of many eminent Malayalam film directors including Priyadarshan, Anwar Rasheed, Siddique and Kamal.She was the line producer for Farah Khan in Happy New Year, which was the biggest production from India in Dubai. Mini is also actively involved in producing documentaries, ad films, corporate videos, short films, feature films, special and important events.
Mini Sarma, a Mphil holder in social works, hails from Alappuzha. She is the daughter of Ramachandra Sarma, who was a Railway Station Master and Sreedevi. Contact Details:
7media MFZ LLC, P O Box 29926, Dubai.E-mail:
Binju Jacob Kochunni
Binju Jacob Kochunni, hailing from Kunnamkulam in Thrissur district, is an RJ at Gold 101.3 FM. Earlier she has worked as an RJ at Radio Mango, Kochi, for two years. Age is the winner of the Asiavision Award for the Best Afternoon Show in the UAE.
Binju completed her schooling at Our Own English School, Dubai, and Harisree Vidyanidhi Higher Secondary school, Trissur. Her higher education was at Sacred Heart College, Kochi, and Manipal University, Dubai. Artistically talented, Binju has participated in several dance competitions at school and College.
Binju is also a motivational speaker and has led several classes.
Born as the daughter of C K Kochunni, a businessman, and Beena Kochunni, Binju is married to Shibu Jacob, who works at the Marketing Department of Gold 101.3 FM.
Contact details:
Ajman Independent Studio,P O Box 442,Al Nuaimia,Ajman.
Maya Kartha
Maya Kartha, a native of Cherthala in Alappuzha District of Kerala, is the assistant programming head at Hit 96.7 Fm. Born as the daughter of Sukumaran Kartha, a retired professor at MG College and Lathika, retired Higher Secondary School principal, Maya completed her schooling at Aarya Central School and Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pangode. He higher education was at Government Women’s College, Trivandrum and Karyavattom Campus. She is a postgraduate in Psychology.
Earlier, she has worked as a programme presenter, in Surya TV and Asianet. On Hit FM, she hosts `Lifestyle Show’ and Mid-morning show `Life with Hit’. Crowned as one of the most influential personalities by Dhwani, an NGO affiliated to the UN in 2013, Maya was also selected as Voice of the Year in Radio Awards 2014.
Binu Varghese Mathew
Binu Varghese Mathew is the Vice President of IAS Media. Earlier he worked as Sr.Executive in Malayala Manorama and as Business Manager in Tata Elxsi, Mumbai.
IAS Media (Integrated Advertising) is One of the fastest-growing Media Marketing Agencies in the region. It was launched on December 1st,1991, in the UAE as the sole concessionaire of the Times of India (India’s largest publishing house). Their roster of media groups today boasts some of the biggest names in print and television from around the world and their business goes beyond just selling media. They provide solutions to clients that help them acquire better value for their money.
Independent and professionally-managed, IAS Media has an excellent understanding of the media landscape and enjoys a favourable status with various local government departments, media buying houses, advertisers and advertising agencies.
Binu Varughese Mathew is interested in travelling. Born in Kodippara, Thiruvalla, he is married to Priya Susan Abraham. The couple is blessed with two children—Johann Mathew and Joel Mathew.
Contact Details:
Office 1105, Grosvenor Business Tower
P O Box 27671, Dubai,UAE.
Dilma, hailing from Areekode in Malappuram district, is an RJ at 1269 AM. Earlier, she has worked as an RJ at 93.5 Red FM, Kozhikode, for four years Artistically talented, Dilma has taken part in dance and music competitions of school and college youth festivals.
Dilma’s schooling was at GMLP School Morrkkanad High School and Mukkam VHSE. Her higher education was at Unity Women’s College, Manjery.
Contact Details:
Radio Asia,P O Box 4300, Dolphin Recording Studio,
Near Manar Mall,AI Nakheel,RAK,
Diya, hailing from Trivandrum, is an RJ at Gold 101.3 FM, she hosts the popular programmes, `Kerala Café’ and `LooseControl’. She has interviewed a number of celebrities for Gold FM. Diya is a recipient of the Excellence in Radio Award instituted by Asiavision.
Diya’s school education was at Cotton Hill School and Government Girls High School, Trivandrum. She pursued bachelor’s degree at All Saints College and PG Diploma in Journalism at Press Club, Trivandrum.
Born as the daughter of K P Ramakumar, a retired Electricity Board engineer, and Ramadevi, Diya is married to Madhu, who works in the Sales Department of Korean Air. The couple has a son –Vivaan.
Contact details:
Gold 101.3 FM,Ajman Independent Studio,
P O Box 442, AI Nuaimia , Ajman.
Dona Sebastian
Dona Sebastian, a native Changanassery in Kottayam district, is an RJ at Hit 96.7 FM. She hosts the popular progamme ‘Hit on Request’ and handles music at the Music Station.
Also a talented dancer, Dona has performed in many stage shows. Earlier, Dona has anchored TV Shows on Asianet, Jeevan, Kairali and Asianet Plus. During her school Days, she was an RJ at Recess Radio for several years and has won Radio Bursary Scholarship training with a leading Radio Presenter. She was also a member of Students’ Council for eight consecutive years. During her school days she used to host various shows on renowned Malayalam television channels such as Asianet and Kairali. She also used to freelance as a voice-over artist for radio commercials.
Born as daughter of P J Sebastian, a businessman, and Vincy Sebastian, Dona completed her schooling at Indian High School, Dubai.
Dona holds a BA(Hons) in PR, Advertising and Media from Middlesex University and has done a course on Civil Aviation at Emirates Aviation College.
Contact details:
ARN, P O Box: 502012,Media City,CNN Building
Ammar Kizhuparamb
Ammar was born on 25 March 1968 to Kattilparamb Muhammad (late) and Ummacha in Vengeri to Calicut district of Kerala. Since 1983 he has been a resident of Kizhuparamba of Malappuram District. He went to school at Chelannur AKKR High School and pre university at Anwrul Islam Arabic College, Malappuram.
His career starts from 1987 as a regional reporter o Madhyamam daily. After 10 years of service as a business correspondent, he resigned from the job. Later, he worked as the Editor in Charge of the Malayalam Periodical Arabyayile Sultan for three and half years in Dubai, UAE. He also served as the Chief Editor of the International Malayalam Periodicals Pravasi Doothan and Gulf Mail. Currently he is the Chief Editor of the online news portal Pravasalokam and the Managing Director of the publishing house Page India.
Ammar has published several works including HH Sheikh Zayed’s Biography `Sheikh Zayed Pioneer of the Nation’ (English), Sheikh Zayed Nanmayude Sarathi (Malayalam), Marubhoomiyile Mazhameghangal (Rainclouds of the Desert), Haji From India (Biography), Collector: Snehathinte Kayyoppu (Collector: Signature of the Desert) etc. He is the process of writing a novel on Arab Expatriate settlement, named Iqama.
Ammar has directed two docu-fiction films named `Nizhal Theerunnidam’ and `Nukam’. He was the recipient of the Investigative Journalism Award 2006 instituted by Kerala Sahrudaya Vedi.
Contact details:
Kafila, Post Kizhuparamb, Areekode,Malappuram
Deepan Kuruppu
Deepan Kuruppu is a renowned VJ and actor in the UAE. He is hailing from Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala. He started anchoring during his college days hosting functions and events. Simultaneously, he did small rolled in tele-serials running those days in various television channels. He completed Master’s in Arts from Kerala University and joined banking industry with HDFC.
He relocated to the UAE in the end of 2007 and continued his career as a banker. He still followed his passion of anchoring by hosting stage shows. He has 200 plus stage shows in his credit. In 2015 he officially started as a VJ and cooperated with various local channel’s such as NTV, World Vision, Kairali etc. His shows Crazy Night, Gulf Nagar Second street, tele serial Salamat Café etc were great hits. They set a new trend in terms of presenting and engaging viewers.
He did a lot of celebrity interviews and shared stage with many famous media personalities. He was recognized as best VJ multiple times and secured a number of awards and certificates. Diya is already a famous media personality like her father. She had exhibited her talent in singing, dancing, acting and anchoring in TV Channels and social media. Her short film Tiktoki was viral in YouTube.